Firebricks are used in various applications. They are highly refractory in nature. (Firebricks are ceramic products and they resist high temperatures.) Therefore they are used in kilns, wooden ovens etc for resisting the temperature effectively. Fire brickbat us stand out in the crowd – by resisting high temperature, chemicals and other kinds of stresses. The same is the reasons for an increase in the number of Fire Bricks suppliers in West Bengal. They understood the importance of them & wisely go tin to the fire brick supplying business. We will take a look on the other kind of bricks too to understand how exactly the firebricks stand out in the crowd.
The 4 bricks that we use for comparison are:
- Fly ash clay brick
- Burnt clay brick
- Sand- lime brick
- Firebrick
Fly ash clay brick
Clay and fly ash are moulded at thousand degrees Celsius for manufacturing fly ash clay brick.Calcium oxide is present much in these bricks. The presence of calcium oxide in ample amount provides them with the self-cementing ability. The setback feature of these bricks is that they expand in the presence of moisture. The same makes them not a good refractory brick – as it does not resist the presence of water well & tend to change in its presence.
Burnt clay brick
They are made by applying pressure on clay moulds (as the first step). Then these moulds are taken to the kilns for frying & drying them. They are the most commonly used type of bricks. They are porous than the fly ash clay brick. This means that they allow water & other liquids to pass through them (because of the presence of holes in them). Therefore they are not much refractory in nature as they do not resist the passage of liquids well. These bricks demand plastering too.
Sand- lime brick
Fly ash, sand and lime are used in its manufacture. A chemical reaction – happening during wet mixing -bonds the mixture. Pressure is used to mould the mixture of fly ash, sand &lime. An aesthetic view is offered because of its grey colour. Uniform appearance and smoother finish is offered by these bricks and therefore they donot demand plastering. They are very strong and are used as weight bearing materials.
Firebrick is highly refractory in nature and therefore it is called also as refractory bricks itself. They do not respond to temperature stress and act as good insulators.Therefore they are used with wooden ovens – as linings on the roof, floor and sides of oven – so that the temperature does not radiate to outside areas much.They are so much resistant to temperature and therefore are used in even kilns as linings. At times they offer not just lining in kilns but the entire structure of the kilns is made up of firebrick. They are very strong in nature and are used as building construction materials too. They withstand chemical reactions powerfully and maintain their qualities for long without any damage.
Therefore we can tell that fire bricks are the best refractory bricks that fight & withstand many kinds of stress well. They are used in very difficult to manage scenarios -including extreme temperature. Ceramic Fire Bricks Manufacturers in India is many in number. Get in touch with the best fire brick providers and ensure a safe time in your home (made of firebricks) that resist temperature well and insulate your home appropriately. If you are into manufacturing industry and have tasks that involve handling of extreme temperatures then also use firebricks. This keeps yourself and your employees at a safe distance fro many potential temperature related damages. Not only people but the equipments are also prevented from temperature related issues or damages via the usage of high quality firebricks. Use firebricks – the bricks that stand out in the crowd -and exploit its high refractory potential to its maximum.