Secure storage lockers might just be the answer you are looking for if you would like to save time and money. Although it may not sound like a very good solution at the moment, keep reading and you will understand. Sometimes you have to think way beyond the box if you want to get real results. In this case, thinking about the box itself might prove to be more beneficial than you realize.
Saving Time
When you run a huge multifamily apartment complex how much time do you waste solving petty issues? OK, so you may pay somebody else to solve those issues, however, they still take time to get resolved. Sometimes the issues start out small, then gradually grow into huge, neverending nightmares. What about the problem of storage? How many tenants have a proper place to store their extra things? If there is no secure place for them to store things what will they do? Some tenants try to store extra belongings in their car parking spaces in the garage. Others will find different, creative ways to put things where they’re not supposed to go. What about using wire cages to store their belongings? Thieves can see right through those bins and have a free ticket to whatever is inside of them. How much time could somebody waste ducking and dodging these kinds of problems? Having some secure storage lockers as an option for tenants could actually cut down on a lot of problems that take lots of time to take care of.
Saving Money
Saving money these days is a big deal. However, how much money could secure storage bins save? It all depends on what kind of costs can be cut in the first place. Having an ugly apartment building that is cluttered because of the lack of storage solutions could cause many potential tenants to walk away without renting. If you have empty apartments because of the lack of interested tenants it would benefit you to clean the place up and give it more security with some storage bins. Some other possible problems that could cost a lot of money because of the lack of secure storage are:
- Lawsuits
- Repairs
- Overtime for workers
Although it may not seem like an open invitation for a lawsuit, some people know how to work the system. If something happens to them on your property because they did not have adequate security it could cost money. There are also the repairs that have to be done after thieves break into places that are not private and secure. Overtime for the maintenance staff might become a problem as well. After a while, things like this can add up and cost a lot of money. Having some great looking storage containers that provide privacy and security could remove all of these money snatching problems for good.
Creating Revenue
Another side to having a secure storage locker solution is that it gives an opportunity to create revenue. In this instance, you’re not technically cutting any costs, but you are generating an extra cash flow which is even better. Many tenants would be happy and more than willing to pay an extra little bit each month for a secure place to store their extra belongings. This is a completely viable solution with the potential to create a very substantial extra source of income. Putting this plan into effect may not be as difficult as you think. Learn more about how to save time, save money and generate revenue by visiting Bradyl Storage Solutions today.
Tags: secure storage lockers