If you are like most people, then you’d be surprised to know that a mere 15 percent of your household’s energy is used on heating and cooling. That means that the vast majority of your home’s energy is being used in various appliances such as televisions, computers, lights, entertainment systems (such as stereos and gaming systems), but you can help lower those costs.
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Install New, Efficient Windows
Windows account for a significant percentage of the cold or warm air escaping in your home and that accounts for a large percentage of your power bill. While replacing old windows is not cheap, it can help lower your power costs significantly over time as well as making you feel warmer or cooler depending on the season!
Unplug Unused Electronics
If you have things such as televisions or gaming systems, then they might be on even when not in use. Make a point to unplug them because it’s estimated that just one device can consume up to 10 dollars of electricity each year if left plugged in! That makes for some serious savings and saving electricity helps save the planet and takes steps to slow global warming.
Upgrade Your Water Heater
If you are in the market for a new water heater, then get one that is energy efficient. That means one that has an Energy Star logo on it and also remember to wipe down your showerhead from time to time because they can leak hot water during showers which will use unnecessary power and money!
Replace Appliances With Energy Efficient Ones
The average household has about 100 dollars’ worth of electronics plugged in and they collectively account for almost 80 percent of the energy use in a home! Replace your old appliances with Energy Star rated models to lower your power bill and help save the planet.
Install Timers On Lights, Fans, And Televisions
If you don’t have a TV in your room, then turn it off when you leave the room. It’s estimated that nearly 20 percent of energy used in the home is due to lights being left on or fans running. Turn them off if not needed and install timers so that they can be programmed for automatic shutoff!
When it comes to saving money on energy costs, there are plenty of ways that you can do so. By the end of 2012, new models of televisions will be required to have Energy Star ratings and by 2015, all appliances sold in the USA must also carry those ratings as well. That’s a great way to save money not only the planet!
Tags: Home Efficiency