Hot, summer months can be tiresome, long and expensive and it’s no mystery that you’re going to be making regular use of your air conditioning system. However, how healthy is the current system that you’re using in your home? Have you ever stopped to consider your other options? Evaporative air conditioning Installation is the alternative and it benefits in several ways – it’s undeniably more cost-effective in the long run, it’s a far healthier option and it certainly is far more environmentally sustainable. Sounds great right? Now, how does this system work you ask? As the name suggests, it uses evaporation as a method to keep the air cool. It utilises warm, dry air from outside and then with assistance from a fan, pumps this air through a series of water-soaked pads that allow the water to evaporate and the dry air to be absorbed and thus, lowering the air temperature. So, now that we know how this system works, let’s begin to touch on its many benefits as opposed to the refrigerated air-cooling system.
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The cost to stay cool and comfortable in your homes shouldn’t be sending you and your family into bankruptcy. However, the reality is that bills for household heating and cooling are the second-highest to date, costing between $2.45 and $3.45 per hour to run. These statistics are absolutely staggering and completely unnecessary since the alternative option see’s thoughtful consumers saving up to 90% on household cooling. Why still opt for reverse cycle cooling when you could spend your hard-earned cash on that trip you’ve wanted to take for so long?
Improved Air Quality
Sitting indoors for hours and days on end, attempting to take cover from the blazing, heat blanket that is the outside air can be detrimental to your health, especially when you realise that the very air you’re breathing in is being continuously recycled and therefore, is growing stale and unpleasant. The evaporative cooling system brings in fresh air from the outside, even purifying it from pollens and pollutants which is great for any allergy sufferer. You can also expect the quality of the air to be packed with moisture, which is fantastic for your skin and hair and will likely save you the need to lather yourself with moisturisers or home-brewed masks.
Reduce Carbon Footprint
The evaporative method is friendly on the environment because, well, evaporation is essentially a natural process. The refrigerated system not only recycles the air (which may cause your respiratory system to become dry and irritated) but it also does so with the use of harmful chemicals that can compromise the environment. It also requires more electricity to run, which inherently is making use of coal, one of the top fossil fuels contributing to damaging the ozone layer.
Water Usage
The evaporative cooling system requires a small amount of water to function. Before you let this scare you, let us look at some statistics. Your average washing machine uses between 60 and 150 litres of water for just a single wash. The evaporative cooling system requires about 15 litres for a full day of cooling, thus your water bill may see a slight peak but remember that your electricity bill will simultaneously be decreasing exponentially.
Low Maintenance and Silent
Not only is this system easy to install, but it also requires nothing more than a seasonal check-up to ensure everything is running as it should. Unlike its counter product, the evaporative cooling method has been designed in such a way that it’s also virtually silent. So, say goodbye to that mindless, ongoing hum that you’re so familiar with during the summer months.
So, what are you waiting for? The evaporative air conditioner as an alternative option to cooling your home is favourable by a long shot. From conserving money to saving your health as well as the environment, this option gives recycled air conditioning a run for its money. Make the smart choice for you and your family today and call us so we can start the installation process of yours.
Tags: Air Conditioning